Our absolutely favorite company to use for a Dinseyland trip is Get Away Today. Why? Well, about 7 or 8 years ago our oldest came home with a flyer from their company. A portion of the money spent with their company would go back to my kiddo's school. At the time we had a credit card with a very low limit... not enough to book a vacation on, but Get Away Today offered the option of paying straight from your bank account, which was perfect for us.
I really like their user friendly site too. Many travel agencies online require you give them your email address and sometimes phone number to receive a quote for a vacation. Not so with Get Away Today. I can sit for as long as I want and enter and re-enter information to figure out the best deal, time to go, specials, etc.
Also when you book with them they usually send you an official Disney Pin, which isn't anything super special BUT you can bring it with you to the park and trade it with any cast member for a more unique pin (more on that later)

A couple of years later I thought I would shop around for a better deal. Really all I found was that everyone else was either more expensive, less friendly, or relatively the same with a few differences...So we are staying loyal to our favorite.

Your budget for Disneyland depends greatly on how many days you will be there, how many things you plan on buying, and how much you DONT want to spend. I will be doing a post later about different tips to help you save money if your main goal is to create a "magical" trip for a family. Right now, just understand that the biggest part of your budget is probably going to be taken up by your park tickets. When you are booking with most agencies the price you see includes tickets. Your hotel room only takes up a small portion of that money. Often times you might find a deal for a free night which will help with up to $120 of your hotel budget. Also when you book tickets and hotel together(along with anything else like car rental and airline tickets) you stand more of a chance of saving a hunk of money than if you booked them all separately.
A couple of posts from now I will go over our typical first day at Disney, how we use our time, how we save money, and what we spend our money on and why. Next up: Hotel Review and How to Pick Where You Stay
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