Friday, June 21, 2013

Monster's University Diz Kid Review

Miss E (5 years old): So, when he was little it was really cool and then it was really sad, and then it was REALLY HAPPY and sad. My favorite monster was the girl with the purple tail hair.

Miss B (9 years old): I love it. I liked it all. 

Mr. T (11 years old): It was a really great movie about friendship, I mean Mike and Sully weren't friends at the beginning, but they started to get to know each other and they became really good friends. My favorite part was when they worked together to scare adults.

Miss C (17 year old Disney fan): Um, ok, uh... I liked the part when, um, Mike and Sully were talking on the bank of a lake, I liked how at that point Mike and Sully finally saw "eye" to eyes. This was when they really became friends. I think it was awesome how Pixar/Disney showing two of our favorite characters going to college, and like Toy Story 3, these characters are going to college at the same time many of their original fans are doing the same.

Mom thinks: Being married to one of the biggest nerds there is, I can't tell you how many times I have seen Star Wars...dozens maybe??? The thing about Star Wars (for me anyway) is that I could watch it again and again and still feel like I am hearing at least parts of the story for the first time. I figure this is because the story and dialogue are so rich, the costuming and scenes are saturated with detail and creativity, and that the characters are entertaining and enticing to the viewer. Such is the Case with "Monsters University". Half way through the movie it occurred to me that so much had happened in Mike and Sullivan's months at college that I scarcely could remember all the details. Pixar does more than just tell you a simple story of their love/hate friendship; they weave visual details (and Easter eggs) and funny dialogue into a clever and intricate story line that keeps you and your little entertained. And the bonus of this? At least in our house, I foresee "Monsters University" being played repeatedly (once released to dvd/blue ray) without irking me into that "Haven't we watched this a dozen times?!" mood that happens so often with the annoying movies and shows that seem to dumb down my kids. 
"Monster's University" is a must see for the family. Any child that enjoyed "Monster's Inc." will have an instant liking for M.U. And it should be one the parents get a kick out of too! Be sure to get there for the previews. You'll see a humorous short from Disney's upcoming "Frozen" that will send your littles into a fit of giggles. "M.U." has the typical bonus short before the movie titled "The Blue Umbrella". The animation is remarkably realistic and the story is darling.

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